
Integration System

The Integration System is a hair augmentation created to enhance the length, amount of fullness, and body to your existing crowning glory. You do not have feel haunted or you do not have to magnify your trauma because of a health condition or upsetting ordeal in the past. The Integration System is the perfect solution for your hair damage.

Hairpiece-Toupee provides a unique hair enhancement that is created by stitching strands of the finest synthetic or human hair onto a polyester web-like cap. With the wide net base of the Integrated System, you are assured of projecting a natural hairline. That means, you can pull your hair back off the front as if it were deeply rooted in your scalp. The polyskin front can come with or without scallop, and has poly coated perimeter. It comes in 1/8-inch or 32-millimetre, and ½-inch or 127-millimetre web like caps.

Another feature of the Integration System is that, it is custom-made that your hair enhancement is precisely matched to the texture, color, and length of your own natural hair. Whatever hairstyle you intend to wear for the day, or for a particular event, you can never go wrong with the Integration System—hence the term to "integrate" the hair enhancement and the natural hair.

You can also prefer to choose any of the base material colors from clear, flesh, pink, black, brown, light reddish brown, yellow, etc. Hairpiece-Toupee can also make a specialized or customized Integration System based on your hair color, highlight, and per cent gray content.

The features and benefits that the Integration System brings should complete the requirements that you are looking for in a hair enhancement. The Integration system is not a plain wig or hair extension. You do not even have to undergo surgical procedures to get one. it is a hair enhancement that will surely address your needs.


1/8" (32 mm) 1/2" (127 mm)

 Temporarily Not Available
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